Is There A Migrant Hotel Near You?

Official Home Office policy is NOT to tell local residents that a nearby hotel or HMO is being filled with illegal migrants.You can find out for yourself here.

Hotel Finder
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Note: The info provided should not be used for criminal purposes & I do not condone or encourage any criminal activity towards the hotel occupants or workers. This info is provided to highlight the scale of the government’s illegal migrant support scheme & to raise concerns about the lack of community consultation.

How many are coming?

You can see the transparency data on the UK Government website here.

It is a simple roundup of arrivals this week which is up-to-date & accurate:



If you have information about a hotel being used to accommodate asylum seekers, a question, or an issue, you can get in touch here:

(By using this form your details are protected by GDPR and can't be revealed to anyone - but use fake details if you want to be anonymous.)

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